RodrigoL posted a comment on classifieds listing Cayin n8 -best price.Bump
RodrigoL posted a comment on classifieds listing *sale pending* PRICE DROP: ALO Audio Continental Dual Mono w/extras.hi, What's your best price? Where are you based? Thank you
RodrigoL posted a comment on classifieds listing ALO Continental Dual Mono Black.Hello, how much is it?
RodrigoL replied to the thread Cayin N8 TOTL DAP: KORG Nutube, Dual AK4497, 4.4mm phone/line out.where do you get that?
RodrigoL replied to the thread NEW EARSONICS "PURPLE".Thank you very much for your help
RodrigoL replied to the thread NEW EARSONICS "PURPLE".Thank you so much. The Purple is always going to be more a bit more sharp in the treble - THIS WAS MY REAL FEAR. Can't have a bit of...
RodrigoL replied to the thread NEW EARSONICS "PURPLE".I thought they had similar signatures... which one in its level. I woul like to have the smooth of Grace in Warm position of Purple...
RodrigoL replied to the thread NEW EARSONICS "PURPLE".thank you. In warm position, are they similar. How far, if that's possible to ask, 30%?
RodrigoL replied to the thread NEW EARSONICS "PURPLE".Somebody can help me with comparision against Grace? Are they similar? Grace is really much smoother? Does the price diference make the...