Rick_B's latest activity

  • Rick_B
    Rick_B replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    Here's another Stillpoints riff: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804184890191.html
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    The round footers with the three balls and the similar ones that use a single ball are riffs on Finite Elemente designs...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B reacted to Crypt Keeper's post in the thread Aliexpress Cables with Like Like.
    I found these to be excellent quality and very good for the price… Item# 3256803029524750
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    The linked cables are 50 Ohm impedance, is the LHY setup for 50 or 75 Ohm cabling? The BNCs on the pictures of the unit suggest 75 Ohm...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    Where were the other reviews? Inquiring minds want to know...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    I just noticed that Aliexpress has some "Heimdall" style cables now...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    I don't have the Chinese WEL power cord, just the single ended RCA interconnects...plus a lot of other Chinese interconnects including...
    • 1664683344073.png
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    The Chinese, and AQ, DBS systems use 6 each, 12 volt batteries like are used in garage door remote controls to get the 72 Volts. They...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    Inrush current starting something up...initial current spikes can momentarily exceed the 5 Amp rating and blow the fuse...slow blows...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B reacted to cdacosta's post in the thread Aliexpress Cables with Like Like.
    Now you all know why from the first post on in this thread I keep mentioning "burn-in" with these cables. Many have not experienced...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B reacted to Zaek's post in the thread Aliexpress Cables with Like Like.
    I wish Aliexpress sell a cable burner at an affordable price. 😄
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B reacted to dougms3's post in the thread Aliexpress Cables with Like Like.
    Look what came in the mail today. Looks legit fake :) I really hate that gel insulator they use. Still not a fan of the locking...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B reacted to cdacosta's post in the thread Aliexpress Cables with Like Like.
    I have a different ODIN SPDIF cable (see pic) that cost $47 for 1.5m. This cable is heavy. I am still using this cable because it...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B reacted to dougms3's post in the thread Aliexpress Cables with Like Like.
    Believe or don't believe, this is not the place for that, thats for church or mosque or whatever. Lets keep our beliefs to ourselves...
  • Rick_B
    Rick_B reacted to dougms3's post in the thread Aliexpress Cables with Like Like.
    Perhaps you need to stop believing or not believing and find out for yourself. This is not a religion. Do you really think all of...