
Rusty, crusty Olde Farte beyond caring what others may think about what I have to say...
San Antonio, Texas
Audio, Pentax Digital SLR photography, Motorcycles, Ham Radio, sittin' on my....
Cooking, eating, pissing off the girlfriend, working on my car, building electronics and furniture, working on the motorcycle, spankin' the monkey...you know, the usual normal guy stuff....
Headphone Inventory
Modded Superlux 681, Pioneer SE-A1000, Audio Technica ATH-AD700, Klipsch Image S3, Koss Pro 4AATitanium, Grado SR-225e, Martin Logan Mikros 90. Tascam TH-02W, NXG Head Trip, Koss Pro-4AA, Fostex T50RP, California Headphone Company Silverado, Philips SHP9500, Yamaha YH-3, Koss Pro-4AAA, HiFi Man HE-350, Akai 50X, HiFiMan He-400i
Headphone Amp Inventory
Homebrew OPA2604 based unit, Sangamo PIO input caps, Black Gate DC caps, Alps "Black Beauty" volume control, Cardas wiring and input jacks, 24 volt power supply....

Antique Sound Labs MG Head OTL Mk III, tweaked with Raytheon 12AX7 and Sylvania 7189's, Vitamin Q coupling caps

Little Dot 1+ w/various NOS 6AK5 and equivalents, Burson V5i

Darkvoice w/NOS tubes

APPJ w/various 6V6 equivalents and NOS 12AX7s, unmodded as yet
Source Inventory
Squeezebox Touch into Chord Qute

Teac X700R w/Teac Dolby unit for Barclay-Crocker Dolby R2R Tapes


Lenovo S530 desktop computer with 4Tb of uncompressed and high-resolution audio files running JRiver via Audioquest Coffee USB cable into Chord Qute

Philips CD-80

Behringer UMC202HD for making digital "rips' of analog sources

Linn Sondek LP12 with Benz Ruby cartridge, Linn Axis W/ Adcom Crosscoil VDH, Pioneer PL-41, Micro-Seki BL-51 w/ ATP-12T tonearm, Yamaha PX-3

Audible Illusions Modulus 3A
Cable Inventory
Cardas ICs and speaker cables
Wireworld Eclipse 8 ICs
Wireworld Equinox 7 ICs
Stereovox Speaker cables
DH Labs Silver Sonic
Audioquest Water
Power-Related Components
Monster HTS 3500 on Video gear
Monster HTS 3600 on Audio gear
Shunyata, Wireworld and homebrew power cables
FIM AC outlets in wall
Other Audio Equipment
ProAc Response 3 speakers driven in winter by a McIntosh MC240 <my favorite amp...In summer I use an Adcom GFA-555SE (the last of the series) for the ProAcs

Also have a Sound Valves VTA-70i I built with Magnequest output transformers, custom resistors, FREDs, custom caps, Cardas binding posts and RCAs. JJ KT77s, With Audioquest Tornado power cable and Stereovox Studio SE speaker cables.
Audio-Related Tweaks
Everything, footers, cables, power cables, etc.,.
Music Preferences
Jazz, well recorded rock (what little there is), Classical, Windham Hill and Narada stuff
Pentax K-5, 70+ manual and auto focus lenses, and Pentax Q-10

BMW 325iT (sadly now deceased due to a piss-poor driver turning left in front of me)

Yamaha XJ650LJ Turbo

Collins, Drake, Hallicrafters, Hammarlund, Swan, Yaesu, and TenTec Ham gear and shortwave radios, 1951 Barker and Williamson US Army BC-610-I AM transmitter
HighFi audio consultant, trained audiophile monkey