Relaxasaurus's latest activity
Relaxasaurus reacted to justin w.'s post in the thread HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread with
Yes, the CFA3-T or CFA-T will be an Amp/Pre-Amp. Originally our plan was to eliminate the RCA input and have 2 XLR inputs, 1 XLR... -
Relaxasaurus replied to the thread HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread.I think it was discussed before, but will you be changing one of those inputs to pre-outs for the CFA-T? I'm slowly getting back into...
Relaxasaurus reacted to JLoud's post in the thread HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread with
Some thoughts on the Susvara OG and CFA3. Chain is Schiit Urd-Yggdrasil OG A2-CFA3. Control over the Susvara is iron clad. Speed and... -
Relaxasaurus reacted to justin w.'s post in the thread HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread with
Yes - we are working on it now. This just came yesterday. Custom copper skivved weighs nearly 5lb :L3000: -
Relaxasaurus reacted to JLoud's post in the thread HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread with
Here are a couple of teaser shots of the new CFA3. Listening to the HE6se and some Gunship albums. Bass is hitting hard. Nice! -
Relaxasaurus reacted to JLoud's post in the thread HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread with
I recieved my HeadAmp CFA3 last week. Have only used it with the Susvara so far. Planning on trying it with the LCD4 and HE6se as well... -
Relaxasaurus reacted to Sajid Amit's post in the thread HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread with
I am expecting both to reach me this month. The CFA 3 is supposed to ship out this week as per the recent email from Headamp. The Wandla... -
Relaxasaurus replied to the thread Decware // Reference ZMF OTL.As soon as I'm finally ready to buy one I see this post. Just my luck, haha. Primarily need a tube pre for the 2 channel system but it...
Relaxasaurus replied to the thread Power conditioners/regenerators - let's talk about clean power.What did you end up going with? I got a used deal on a 20 PFi so I went with that one. Ultra linear vs linear filtering with the 15 pfi...