
Filipino/American from family of nine children. Converted from Pentecostalism to Roman Catholicism [with an intervening lapse into hedonism/neo-paganism). Currently a regular Traditional Latin Mass attendee (at the nearest FSSPX chapel).

De Maria Numquam Satis!
New York State
Mariology, Traditional Latin Mass, Patrology, Catholic Apologetics, Poetry.
Roman Catholicism
Martial Arts Films (Shaw Brothers)
Headphone Inventory
Headphones/Earphones/Earbuds PAST:
Sennheiser HD580,*600,650;RAL/HD580,600,650;Cardas, Headphile/HD600
HD214, MX500, MX450
Beyerdynamic *DT880/2003 (YAY!),DT880/2005(BOO!)
Audio Technica ATH-A900LTD
Ultrasone HFI-2200 ULE, Proline 750,2500,RAL/Proline 750, 2500
Grado SR-60, 80, 225, 325i; Alessandro MS-2
*AKG K501,APS V2/K501,K701,Moon SDV2 K701,RAL/K701,K340 (w/screen mod and velvet pads)
Denon AH-D2000
*Etymotic ER-4S (two iterations)
Ultimate Ears 5Pro
K240 sextett
*Denon AH-D5000
*DT880/2003 (2nd iteration)
Tesla T1, Gen 1
Ultrasone Proline 750 (3rd iteration)
ZXAC UP-OCC "Impact" re-cabled DT880/600
Audeze LCD-2, Rev. 2
Enigma UP-OCC Silver re-cabled AKG K501
ZXAC UP-OCC re-cabled *Ultrasone PRO 2500
Ultrasone PRO 2900
Denon AH-D7000
Sennheiser HD-201
Recabled Audio Technica ATH-AD700
HifiMAN HE-500
KEF M500
*HifiMAN HE-6 (HeadphoneLounge SilverRay Balanced cable)
TEAC incore ZE-1000
Beyerdynamic DT990 Premium/600 ohm
Ultrasone HFI-780 with open cell foam disc mod
Beyerdynamic DT770/600 ohm
KingSound H-3 w/M-10 amp [defective]
Sennheiser HD700
AKG K812
Stax SR-407 w/SR-507 earpads
Koss ESP-950
AKG K550
*Oppo PM-1
Oppo PM-3
Yamaha HPH-MT220
Beyerdynamic DT-1350
Various (6 in all) modified and stock **Martin Logan Mikros 90
harman kardon CL w/Pipeline ET-4, Auvio, Nucleotide or Marc Tunis cable.
HifiMan HE-560, v1 w/CablePro Vitality cable
1More Quad Drivers IEMs
Ultrasone Pro 900i
Stax SR-507
Ultrasone 750 PRO [stock, iteration 3]
HifiMAN HE-560, v2
Audio-Technica ATH-A900X
*Focal Clear [with HeadphoneLounge UP-OCC Silver cable]
Audio-Technica AD900X
Meze Empyrean
*Ultrasone Pro 2900i [with HeadphoneLounge UPOCC silver cable]
*KingSound H-03/M-10, Stax SRM-1/Mk2 [upgraded]
**Focal Utopia [with balanced HeadphoneLounge UP-OCC Silver cable]
*HifiMAN HE1000se [with HeadphoneLounge UP-OCC Silver cable]
*Audio-Technica ADX5000
**HEDDphone [with balanced HeadphoneLounge solid silver UPOCC cable]
. . . a long pause . . .
*HiFiMan Sundara 2021 [w/UPOCC solid copper, solid silver and solid cu/ag hybrid cables]
Focal Clear MG [w/UPOCC solid copper, solid silver and solid cu/ag hybrid cables]
*HiFiMan Ananda v2
Focal Elear [with Clear OG pads and Blue Dragon v3 cable]
HiFiMan Ananda Stealth Magnets
*Stax SR-L500 Mk.2 [iteration 1]
Stax SR-007 Mk.I Omega 2
HiFiMan HE6se v.2
Quad ERA-1 [iteration 1]
*Focal Clear OG [iteration 4]
Quad ERA-1 [iteration 2]
Stax SR-L500 Mk.2 [iteration 2]
Stax SR-L300 Limited Edition
Stax SR-L700 Mk.2

Headphones PRESENT:
**Martin Logan Mikros 90 [w/Teds Headfood UPOCC silver cable]
Audeze MM-500
Ultrasone PRO 780i
Ultrasone Edition 11
*Beyerdynamic Amiron Home

[asterisk * indicates a personal favorite]
Headphone Amp Inventory
Headphone amps PAST:
JMT Pimeta Home
Gilmore V2-SE
Meier Audio HA-2,Prehead,HeadFive,HA-2 Mk.II SE
SinglePower MPX3
G&W T2.6F
Darkvoice 336i
Dynahi Veda SE
Little Dot Mk. III
Bada PH-12 (stock)
Darkvoice 337
[AK]Zip HA-1, MKII
WeeeeeeSquirrel Overhaulin' 336SE
AMC XIA integrated (for HE-5LE)
Qinpu X-1.0A integrated (for HE-6)
cfcubed beta 22 (ss)
Schiit Magni
KingSound M-10
Koss Electrostatic Energizer
KingSound M-20
Beta 2
SinglePower MPX3 (second round--w/seller's remorse)
Headroom Home
Stax SRM-1/Mk 2
Meridian Prime PA with Prime PSU
ecp DSHA-3F [with Lundahl amorphous transformer core]
Big Sky Audio upgraded Lehmann BCL
custom-built KMF Audio headphone amp
King Sound M-10 (iteration 2)
WA7 Gen.2 Fireflies [w/tube power supply]
Elac Element EA101EQ-G [DAC/amp]
AudioQuest Dragonfly Black 1.5 [iteration 2]
AudioQuest Dragonfly Cobalt
Fitz-improved Bada PH-12 ULTRA (hybrid)
Wyred4Sound mINT [DAC/amp]
Mjolnir SRD-7 eStat Transformer

Headphone amps PRESENT:
Meier Audio HeadFive
S.M.S.L. SP400
Schiit LYR 3
Schiit LYR+
Mjolnir KGSSHV


Other amplifiers:
Wadia 151 PowerDAC mini [when listening to nearfield monitors, Triangle Borea BR03, in lieu of headphones]
Yamaha RX-A770 (A/V receiver)

Linn Intek integrated
Qinpu A-1.0X
bel canto e.One C5i DAC/amp
Dussun T6 integrated
Source Inventory
Sources past:
Proton 440 tuner
EVS-modded SONY 9000ES
Sony BDP-S580
Panasonic S47
RAM-modded Samsung DVD HD-841
Samsung BD-D5500
Emotiva Little Ego dac [iteration i]
Ultra-Fi DAC 41 Twin Reg [NOS]
Wavelength Brick V2 [NOS]
Cambridge Audio CXC
PS Audio Dragonfly Black 1.5
PS Audio Dragonfly Red
(iFi nanoUSB)
Topping D50
Emotiva Little Ego [iteration ii]
Meridian Explorer 2
Pro-Ject USB Box S+
Pro-Ject USBBox S2+
Audiolab 6000CDT
EVS-modded Oppo 970HD
Denon DVD-1940CI
*Chord Qutest
AudioQuest Dragonfly Cobalt (x2)
Chord Mojo
Topping D50s
Topping E50|P50
Gustard X18
Emotiva Big Ego+

Sources present:
Kamrui AK1 Pro PC
Lenovo G50 PC
EVS-modded SONY BDP-S780
Hidizs S9 AKM
S.M.S.L. M400
Mojo Audio Mystique v.1
Cable Inventory
EVS IC100, MAC AgQ, Millersound digital coax, Millersound IC; VenHaus Flavor 2 and Flavor 4, MAC Source and HC power cables, Iego 70530 PCs, Aural Thrills active ICs, Virtue Audio Nirvana ICs, SoundSilver Trilogy and Cosmos IC, Belkin UP-OCC, Neotech UP-OCC ICs, JW Audio Cryo speaker cable, Paul Speltz Anti-cable.

28AWG solid core UP-OCC copper cryo-treated cable for HifiMAN
28 AWG solid core UP-OCC silver cryo-treated cable for HifiMAN

Headphone Lounge UP-OCC silver and copper cables for Martin Logan Mikros 90
Power-Related Components
Versalab Woodblock, Furman, Powervar and OneAC power conditioners, power wraps
Other Audio Equipment
Pre-Head-fi Rig:
EVS-modded Sony 9000ES
Kora Titan Monoblocks
Millersound IC and speaker cable
Aliante Model One Pinanfarina monitors (cherry)
Sunfire True Subwoofer Mk.II
Virtual Mode PC-1, ClearPower power conditioners

Current Home Audio (1):
Kamrui AK1 PRO
EVS-modded SONY BDP-S780
PC-to-DAC via USB Disruptor
Wadia 151
Triangle BR03

Current Home Theater (2)
Oppo UHD-203 blu-ray
Yamaha Aventage RX-A770 receiver
SONY VPL-HW45es projector
Mission AVR 9.1
Audio-Related Tweaks
Furman, PowerVar, TrippLite and ONEAC power conditioners,
DakiOm HR203,R203, MA203, MA253, F203, F273
Herbies Hal-O and Duende tube dampers,Ebony domes, Black Hole disc mat
gabon ebony footers, chassis dampers
DIY "Cloud 9-to-5" suspension platforms
Vibrapod cones/footers
Marigo Signature disc mat
Walker Talisman de-magnitizer/staticizer
Shakti Stone
EVS Ground Enhancers
GIEN graphite disc mat
SID disc mat
Dekoni earpads
EVS Music Purifiers
Brainwavz ear pads
Music Preferences
Early period music
Baroque (J.S. Bach)
"Pre-modern" Jazz
Pre-1970's Country & Western
Total Gym Pro with Huck Industries upgraded rollers, cables and handles
Inversion table
TI-84+ Silver Edition
Minitab, JMP and StatKey software
2011 Chevy Cruz eco
Associate Professor of Mathematics/Statistics [Retired]


de Maria numquam satis