Option` reacted to OldDude04's post in the thread The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club") with Like.Man, if you're reaching for an IEM instead of an over ear headphone to satisfy your need for bass then I can only say that you have not...
Option` reacted to Renexx's post in the thread Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier with Like.Yes sure as stated in my signature. I wrote some posts about both. Tldr; Cayin might be more versatile driving dynamics and planars...
Option` posted a comment on classifieds listing Monolith M1570.Still for sale?
Option` posted a comment on classifieds listing Monolith M1570 Openback Planar Headphone.Still for sale?
Option` posted a comment on classifieds listing Topping A90 Discrete (A90D) - Pristine!.Still for sale?
Option` replied to the thread IMO The Best Bass Headphone.JVC SZ2000
Option` reacted to PolloLoco's post in the thread Monolith M1060C Closed Back Planar Headphones impressions with Like.Thanks. I'm a beginner at this, anyone can do it. It's that easy and I find it fun. The wood patterns worked out to roughly $2 a...
Option` reacted to Shroomalistic's post in the thread Monolith M1060C Closed Back Planar Headphones impressions with Like.Ive used Eikon suedes and Auteur hybrids on mine, they fit great with very little overhang. this is the 115mm version, there is quite...
Option` replied to the thread Monolith M1060C Closed Back Planar Headphones impressions.Does anyone know if a company makes FIRM pads for these bad boys? and does anyone also know where I can purchase an earpad adapter for...