OnlySoMany's latest activity
OnlySoMany posted a reply to a review on the item Schiit Audio Gungnir 2.Did schiit move to Texas? Thought they were in California.
OnlySoMany replied to the thread MOONDROP Psyche, 10 Drivers Flagship IEM Available.I'd be curious how much of that cost goes into the faceplate, and how much goes into the actual tech and cable.
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Best headphone amp you have ever heard, and why..I had a WA33, and I liked it. The only critique I had was that it was not very "tube-like" in its sound. People may see all that glass...
OnlySoMany posted a reply to a review on the item Fiio FT1.As a person who has a ton of headphones, this is probably the best headphone in the $150-500 range. It has that warm hug feeling that...
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Alpha Omega IEMs Thread.Kinda crazy a $3000 IEM uses a $150 cable (discounted). :laughing:
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Best headphone amp you have ever heard, and why..Had anyone had the luck to compare any of the true high end offerings, such as Aries Cerat Genus Zähl HM1 Riviera Aic 10 Mass Kobo...
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Zähl HM1 - Reference Headphone Amplifier.I would love to compare these off of a high end R2R dac. Mass Kobo 465 Zähl HM1 Aries Cerat Genus Riviera AIC1 Viva Egoista 845
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Zähl HM1 - Reference Headphone Amplifier.My ultimate endgame is MSB select dac with all add ons and 2 power supplies. Into Aries Cerat Genus hp amp Running audioquest...
OnlySoMany replied to the thread The ultimate headphone amp? A monster SET..If I could find one used I'd consider it.
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Best Ultra High End DAC?.I wonder how much of that you'd actually be able to hear 😂 I'd love to compare a 50k dac to a 100k+ one and see if you could hear the...
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!).Aqua Formula xHD version 2.
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!).Has anyone tried this with IEMs?
OnlySoMany replied to the thread Alpha Omega IEMs Thread.I've read the Rn6 is very unique in its sound signature. That can be hit or miss in most cases.
OnlySoMany replied to the thread FiiO FT1.For sure, that is exactly what I want to do and why I was so curious. My guess is that it will satisfy the emotional but not beat them...