nikbr's latest activity

  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to Hypops's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    No, no. No need for a debate. It's a tough line to walk. If I were a reviewer, I'm honestly not sure what my approach to comparisons...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to FreeWheelinAudioLuv2's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Who else loves Bandcamp and hates it all at the same time, due to the mass amount of expenditures accumulated in 2024 and into 2025? I...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to thaslaya's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Quick update on the whole clubbing night: we actually didn't to bed until after 2:30 am! Wife and I had a great time but the kids had us...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to o0genesis0o's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    You remind me of an idea from another thread: the spectrum between “realism” and “romanticism” where both IEMs and listeners sit...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to AnyDave's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Wow, that's quite a collection. I was the technical director and lead acoustic engineer for Westone Audio for all of those models (also...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to o0genesis0o's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Not to be contrarian but I don’t think E5000 is similar to Z1R at all 🤭 Z1R has thinner midrange and quite tight bass impact. And there...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to Erkil's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Bqeyz Frost and BQ10 impressions The BQEYZ Frost are provided by BQEYZ for the purpose of touring between Audio Geek members in...
  • nikbr
    nikbr replied to the thread The discovery thread!.
    This post might get removed ... way too sexual. Haha! I am always amazed at just how awful most events' acoustics are, be it a club or...
    • 1000029326.jpg
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to saldsald's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Ar, too bad that booth was quite crowded and I just couldn't get a seat during my visit. It looked nice and was featured in the...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to Ineras's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Finally watching the final half season of Yellowstone with FT1 on the Fosi SK2. What a fun set of cans. FT1 and FT1 Pro make for a...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to Hypops's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Excellent review. I would totally pounce on the Punch… were it not for the awful visual design. The Thieaudio/Ziigaat style...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to Zerstorer_GOhren's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Most BQEYZ sets are known for their less emphasis bass response. I'm a neutral head, so I'm find with it. I want a more balanced bass...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to JamoBroGuy's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Audiophiles trying not to analyse the sound quality when they hear music somewhere:
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to Fantomax's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Thank you. This post and great review, together with the one of Jay are additional points that pushes me towards Kiwi Ears x HBB Punch...
  • nikbr
    nikbr reacted to Erkil's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    My ears ain’t exactly young either😅. Come march I will be 53. I remember one particular song that tickled my brain with PM if you want...