mtmercer's latest activity
mtmercer added classifieds listing Audeze Penrose Bluetooth Headphones for PS, Windows, & MAC to category Full-Size.For sale is my pair of Audeze Penrose Bluetooth headphones with the blue trim for Playstation, Windows, & Mac. I tried these for...
mtmercer added classifieds listing Monoprice Monolith THX AAA Balanced Headphone Amp w/ THX AAA 887 to category Desktop.For sale is my Monoprice THX 887 amp. I used it while I tried the HEDDPHONE but I wound up not keeping that. Thus I no longer need...
mtmercer reacted to TaronL's post in the thread HEDD Announces HEDDphone With AMT Technology with Like.For those that have pre-ordered with us, we just got word that we have another 8 HEDDphones on the way. We're receiving them as fast as...