mikemalter's latest activity
mikemalter replied to the thread Woo Audio WA22 Amp Owner Unite.I saw this on Amazon and was wondering.
mikemalter replied to the thread Woo Audio WA22 Amp Owner Unite.I'm running a W4S DAC 1 with balanced and RCA outs. I can't hear any difference between the two. However, I do run balanced because of...
mikemalter replied to the thread Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite.Do you do your own work, or is there a shop you use?
mikemalter replied to the thread What's your computer audio set up?.I'm using a Macbook Pro as my music server. My music server apps are Audirvana and Qobuz. Using a Synology DS1515+ for storage (not...
mikemalter replied to the thread Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite.Not sure about the WA2. Here is a picture of work that 2359glenn | studio did for me years ago. I really liked the results.
mikemalter replied to the thread Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite.Sorry to hear. Which tube was it?