Marlowe's latest activity

  • Marlowe
    Marlowe replied to the thread HIFIMAN HE1000 Unveiled.
    I'm seriously considering them, but the lambskin version (the one I want) is out of stock until November.
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe reacted to Darth Mystery's post in the thread HIFIMAN HE1000 Unveiled with Like Like.
    No offense, but do not see audio equipment as some kind of investment.
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe reacted to kRed's post in the thread Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone with Like Like.
    I also find the Arya stealth less clear and defined than the he1000 stealth, as long time owner of the Arya. The Arya is maybe better...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe reacted to Ichos's review on item HiFiMan HE1000 V3 - now with Stealth Magnets with Like Like.
    The Hifiman HE1000 is a headphone with a legendary status. A near-flagship model that was launched many years ago and still counts as...
  • Marlowe
    I found this statement particularly interesting in Ichos' typically fine review since another reviewer that I like very much compared...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
    Yeah, if I upgrade (and I'm not sure I ever will), it would probably be to the V222 (I was actually saving for a V222 when the S17...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
    Just wanted to thank Amos again for the review as I did on his channel; I'm one of the commenters who found the HEK Stealth worked well...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe reacted to Currawong's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
    About the HiFiMan headphones: Depending on your ears, the treble peaks in the Arya series may be too much for some people, but not...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe reacted to Ichos's post in the thread Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone with Like Like.
    Dear friends here is my Hifiman HE1000 Stealth Review. A good taste of the Susvara for considerably less money. Soon I will upload it...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe reacted to Lindholdt's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
    HEKS is HE1000 Stealth, HEKSE is HE1000 SE :) The "1000" is just replaced with a "K".
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
    Congrats on your purchase. FWIW, I think that most people here think that the S17's internal temp should be above 55° for optimum...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
    The Norne cable is their basic copper cable and cost around $270; IIRC, the only extra was about $10 for the carbon splitter (which is...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
    Thanks. I appreciate you reviews a lot--always detailed, comprehensive, and well thought out. They're always interesting and...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe reacted to WaveTheory's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
    Thanks for posting! I saw your comment on YT. I appreciate your viewing and feedback! Your points have gotten my brain chewing on...
  • Marlowe
    Marlowe replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
    I already listened to that and it's a pretty positive and fair review of the S17 and much of it tracks my experience. My only moderate...