Magic77's latest activity
Mwhat volume know is that...
MMagic77 replied to the thread Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread.Hey Guys, Have a question for adapter users: I just got a 12ax7, 12au7 adapter. I tried a 12ax7 but I’m getting distortion. I don’t have...
MAnd? I can’t get enough of the 7N7 or the Raytheon windmill getter. Interested in the mil 6SN7.
M.... still relishing the delicate yet forceful delivery of Sylvania VT-231 in Vali 3 .... 🤗.
MTo add to the 6SN7 goodness, I just got a little gem delivered to me today. Very early impressions of ~30 min and I am already in audio...
M6N3P-DR is excellent: tonally well balanced & very clear in sound !!
MJust order 2 raytheon 5670 tubes. After this, I think I'm calling it good. I have more tubes than I know what to do with
MI can't talk down to anyone haha. I'm quite young myself. I'm an apprentice Tool and Die maker. Tho it is pretty common for people to...
MThose are pretty unique vibration isolator feet you got going on there. I noticed the springs in between them and thought, it's like...
MYou have your Vali 3 pimped out quite nicely!
M👍 indeed! .... 🤔 ....
MVery nice and looks like new! One day I'll add one to my collection... :money_with_wings:
MYou just have to find the rebranded WE. From the 2 sleeves I see 4 different kind of tubes. I've been scouring the interwebs for images...
MHow about this one?
MHappy camper ! The replacement tube from my very understanding ebay seller arrived today and I have a few hours listening time with it...