kamikazeing posted feedback on the classifieds listing Hifiman Arya Organic.Excellent to deal with, extremely forthcoming and helpful. Would buy/sell to without hesitation.
kamikazeing replied to the thread FOSTEX T50RPmk4 RP.Yeah no i agree, the T50's have always been sort of a rare breed in that they're a (mostly) closed planar that have been around forever...
kamikazeing replied to the thread FOSTEX T50RPmk4 RP.Got these in today, some quick impressions : Bass! Pretty good extension and definition typical of a planar. Quantity is more than I...
kamikazeing reacted to lambdastorm's post in the thread HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone with Like.Today at CanJam Shanghai I had the privilege to talk to Fang Bian in his own hotel room for 2 hours. His wife and kid were also there. A...
kamikazeing replied to the thread Modhouse Audio Argon - T50RP MK2/3 & T60RP.For those unaware, As of June, Argon MK3 will no longer be sold due to the discontinuation of the T50RPmk3, but a T50RP mk4 Argon is in...
kamikazeing replied to the thread Introducing the SMSL RAW-MDA 1 DAC/Amp - Now Available on Apos Audio.I agree, It had been over two weeks without a new dac from smsl, I was starting to worry.
kamikazeing reacted to OhmsClaw's post in the thread Introducing the SMSL RAW-MDA 1 DAC/Amp - Now Available on Apos Audio with Like.I don't think they have enough available
kamikazeing replied to the thread FOSTEX T50RPmk4 RP.https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803168718681.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.467038daPjPYV8&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa $25, mind you its Ali...
kamikazeing replied to the thread Hifiman HE6-SE.I broke these out today and I can't get over how good these things still are. With EQ these things surpass Arya Organic and Clear OG for...