Recent content by IrradFish
  1. IrradFish

    Where do I start

    Found a day off to go walking through down town and found a set of ATH-M50's the only set of halfway decent headware in town, with here now shipping and a price tag of $159.99 I decided heh, why not. Not the open head phones to keep me from getting in trouble, but maybe for the best since I do a...
  2. IrradFish

    Where do I start

    Nearest best buy is a 3 hour drive. I do make every few months to take the family shopping but my wife would glare at me if I walked out of the store having spent over $50 on headphones. But I will certainly try them next time I'm out. I'll also see to inspecting local music shops to see if...
  3. IrradFish

    Where do I start

    Budget currently up to $300, but the higher the price the more the logic of my brain says maybe that can wait. Places to try stuff locally not likely and time limits me. Any local store that may have demo headphones other then Bose or beats is usually on a 9-5 schedule which (funny) is the...
  4. IrradFish

    Where do I start

    Greetings, I am interested in learning and getting more depth to my listening experience with headphones. I currently own a probably pathetic headset (Alienware tactx) when I listen to music, bought mainly as a headset and still used as such. However when I settle down to do design and concept I...