Hoods posted a comment on the item HISENIOR Mega5EST - Bass+ Edition.What I did do was an A/B test with both cables. I used the same source and music from Qobuz via Audirvana exclusive mode, and the...
Hoods posted a comment on the item HISENIOR Mega5EST - Bass+ Edition.I think you should notice an improvement, but I’m not sure how much it scales, to be honest :thinking: If you notice changes in the...
Hoods posted a comment on the item HISENIOR Mega5EST - Bass+ Edition.The Manta 4.4mm has arrived! For me, the improvement over the WhiteWhale 4.4mm is substantial. I’m experiencing better resolution...
Hoods posted a comment on the item HISENIOR Mega5EST - Bass+ Edition."Also it doesn't have inverse polarity like the White Whale has" I'm intrigued by that comment; I can't wait for the Manta 4.4mm to arrive!
Hoods replied to the thread HISENIOR AUDIO Discussion Thread.Let me share my experience with the polarity issue on the Mega5EST (in my case, the Bass+ version). I ordered the Mega5EST Bass+ with...
Hoods reviewed the item Tangzu Wan'er S.G.
Hoods reviewed the item KB EAR Little Q.
Hoods posted a comment on the item HISENIOR Mega5EST - Bass+ Edition.Very similar! I prefer it with the Kbear 07 (M Size) followed by the CP145 (S Size), using it with a $10USD 3.5mm cable.
Hoods posted a comment on the item HISENIOR Mega5EST - Bass+ Edition.I ordered it with the WhiteWhale 4.4mm cable, but I’m pretty sure there’s a polarity or phase issue with it. I ended up swapping it out...
Hoods posted a comment on the item HISENIOR Mega5EST - Bass+ Edition.They haven’t sent it to me yet but same... When I get my hands on the new Manta 4.4mm cable and adapter, I’ll be doing a full review...
Hoods replied to the thread HISENIOR AUDIO Discussion Thread.Hi, I've noticed that the WhiteWhale cable comes in two versions: one with letters marked on each side and another without letters (just...