
Salt Lake City, UT
Music, Table Tennis, My Family, Travel, Culinary Pursuits
Headphone Inventory
Final D8K Pro W/ Lavricables Grand Silver
Hifiman HEKv2 Non-Stealth W/Norne Vygarde
ZMF Caldera Closed Ash
ZMF Atrium Open Back Cherry W/ Headphone Lounge T3 Litz Copper
ZMF Verite Closed Black & White Ebony W/ Forza Noir Hybrid
LFF Code X (Original HE5 Woody) W/C3 Ultra Ohno Cast Copper
Focal Bathys - Dune color
Oppo PM-3 (white) - Moon Audio Silver Dragon cable
Apple AirPods Pro 2nd Gen
Ultimate Ears UE 5 Pro CIEM - office and travel
Headphone Amp Inventory
Miroslav CFA3 with External Power Supply
Mjolnir Pure BiPolar Mk2
Eddie Current Aficionado - W/ RCA Single Plate 2A3s, Mullard GZ-34 Metal Base, WE396A
Meier Corda Soul MK2
CEntrance DACportable
Source Inventory
Roon ROCK NUC10 - Akasa Fanless Case
Roon Streamer - Made from a Euphony PTS
Matrix X-Spidf 2 DDC
Cen.Grand DSDAC 1.0 Deluxe
Rockna Waveliight - here for review
Musician Taurus
Meier Corda Soul MK2
CEntrance DACportable
Core Technology USBe Perfect
Wyred 4 Sound USB Reclocker
Roon Labs
Mac Mini 2023 - 16gb Ram, 512gb SSD
4TB Samsung SSD Hard Drive
Cable Inventory
Core Technology Diamond 1 meter XLR Interconnects
Acoustic BBQ Full Rack 1 Meter RCA Interconnects
Tons of other interconnects of varying sizes and brands.
Moon Audio Silver Dragon USB A to B
Several other cables (Coax, SPIDF, I2S, USB's Galore)
Headphone Lounge - T3 Copper Litz ZMF XLR Cable
Forza AudioWorks - FAW Noir Hybrid HPC XLR for ZMF
ZMF OFC 1/4" and XLR cables
ZMF Braided 1/4" and XLR Cables
C3 Audio Ultra Ohno Cast Copper XLR for Code X
Norne Vygarde - HEKv2
Lavricables Grand Silver - Final D8K Pro
Power-Related Components
PS Audio Dectet
Wyred 4 Sound Passive Power Conditioner
Wyred 4 Sound PS-1 Linear Power Supply
Trendnet Green Ethernet Switch
Ifi Power X for Ethernet Switch
Core Technology Diamond Power Cable
Audioquest NRG-Z3 Power Cable
Cardas Golden Reference Power Cable
Audience Forte F3 Power Cable x2
Straight Wire Gray Lightning Power Cable
Other Audio Equipment
ZMF Salire Headphone Stands (Walnut, White Oak, Sapele and Cocobolo)
Tubes - Several WE396As, Ken Rad Black Glass 1944 2A3s, Tung Sol Black Glass 1943 2A3s. Several Mullard GZ-34 Rectifiers.1957-1962. RCA Single Plate/Mono 2A3s 1932.
Several 5Y3G U50 Rectifiers
Audio-Related Tweaks
Trendnet Greennet Ethernet Switch
USBe Perfect
Wyred 4 Sound PS-1
Matrix SPIDF 2
Music Preferences
Jazz, Funk, Psychadelic Rock, Bluegrass
iPhone 14 Pro
My Golf Clubs - not gear-fi, but my babies nonetheless
FoodService Supply Chain Executive & Food Safety Executive


Roon NUC10 - Roon Streamer (Euphony PTS) - Cen.Grand Deluxe - Musician Taurus - Rockna Wavelight (reviewing) -CFA3 W/External Power Supply - Mjolnir Pure BiPolar MK2 - Eddie Current Aficionado - (Second System) Meier Corda Soul MK2 W/USBe Perfect
Final D8K Pro Silver
/ Hifiman HEKv2 Non-Stealth / ZMF Caldera Closed Ash / ZMF Atrium Open Back Cherry / ZMF Verite Closed Back B&W Ebony / Hifiman LFF Code X (Original HE-5)
Focal Bathys - Dune Color

CEntrance DACportable / Oppo PM-3 / UE 5 Pro Customs / Apple AirPods Pro 2nd Gen

