Flognuts's latest activity
Flognuts replied to the thread New MEIER AUDIO headphone amp "CORDA CLASSIC".I believe the issue was the USB cable. Using a Spdif cable now and everything has resolved to how I remember this stack sounding.
Flognuts reacted to Jimmyblues1959's post in the thread New MEIER AUDIO headphone amp "CORDA CLASSIC" with
Yes, I really like the sound of the Classic. It's nothing flashy, but you can listen to it for hours on end without becoming fatigued... -
Flognuts replied to the thread New MEIER AUDIO headphone amp "CORDA CLASSIC".hahah HI! I'm glad you are still enjoying it! Nostalgia recently got a hold of me an I acquired yet another Daccord and Classic.
Flognuts replied to the thread New MEIER AUDIO headphone amp "CORDA CLASSIC".Nope DT880's and Focal Clear.
Flognuts replied to the thread New MEIER AUDIO headphone amp "CORDA CLASSIC".I wonder if its the daccord then? I'll try connecting my MOJO to see if its a source or amp issue.
Flognuts replied to the thread New MEIER AUDIO headphone amp "CORDA CLASSIC".I'm going to go ahead and say time hasn't been kind this amplifier. I'm not sure if its the Daccord or the Classic....but something is...
Flognuts posted a comment on classifieds listing Topping A90 Headphone Power Amp - Black.Would you ship to Australia?
Flognuts posted a comment on classifieds listing Topping A90.Hi, Long shot but you wouldn't ship to Australia would you? Thanks
Flognuts replied to the thread Focal Arche: Anyone compared to other options in its price range?.I ended up selling it. My review would be very short and mimic that of others. Amazing hardware, Terrible Software, hard to live with...
Flognuts replied to the thread Focal Arche: Anyone compared to other options in its price range?.Which mode did you settle on? I'm thinking hybrid for everything.
Flognuts replied to the thread Focal Arche: Anyone compared to other options in its price range?.Thanks for your reply. I too found hybrid to be the most musical with my Clears, wasn't sure if my ears were deceiving me.
Flognuts replied to the thread Focal Arche: Anyone compared to other options in its price range?.Hoping to get an answer here. Does anyone use the pre-sets for their focal cans? I have the clear and cannot decide whether to use...
Flognuts replied to the thread Hifiman Sundara (HE400i upgraded, around $500).Simply unacceptable, and its why I refuse to buy Hifiman despite imo them making the best sounding headphones in each price category...
Flognuts replied to the thread How much better than Tidal is Qobuz (for sound quality)?.No difference. Possibly different variations of the master but same quality. I prefer Tidal cause its UI is better.