
Just your regular, humble head-fi-joe
Head-Fi, Hi-Fi and the occasional console gaming. Amateur console gaming, Formula 1, Rally, racing simulators and most importantly, sitcoms to keep me sane :)
Headphone Inventory
Empire Ears ODIN, 64Audio Tia Fourte, Shure KSE1200, Final Audio A8000, Moondrop Blessing 2
Source Inventory
Chord Hugo 2, Cayin N6ii-Ti, Cayin RU7, iBasso DC Elite
Cable Inventory
Eletech Plato x Socrates Project 8, PW Audio Stormbreaker, Crystal Cable Piccolino
Power-Related Components
PK 1KVA Voltage Regulator
Other Audio Equipment
Stuff from the past:

Head / Earphones: Dita Dream XLS, Ultimate Ears UERM, UERR, FitEar MH334, TG334, Audez'e LCD-3, LCD-2 R2, HiFiMan HE-500, Sennheiser HD650, HD600, Grado SR60, SR80, SR125, SR325i, SR325is, GS1000, RS1 Classic, RS1i, RS1 Vintage-B, Alessandro MS Pro

Source: iBasso DX100, iBasso DX160, AK380 Copper, AK380, Chord Mojo, Exposure 2010, iBasso DX90, Cambridge Audio 640C V2, Eastern Electric MiniMax, Cambridge Audio 840C, Teac VRDS-10, Audiolab 8000CDM, Cyrus DACMaster, Audio-GD Compass, Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1

Head amps: Vorzuge Pure II, Kojo KM01 Brass, AK380 Amp Copper, Schiit Mjolnir, HiFiMan EF-5, Schiit Lyr, Schiit Asgard, Audio-GD Compass, Darkvoice 332, Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1

Cables: DHC Molecule, DH Labs Revelation, DH Labs Silver Sonic BL-1 SII, DH Labs Air Matrix, Nordost Blue Heaven, Cardas Quadlink 5C, Cardas 300B, Siltech London MXT, Siltech Paris MXT, Kimber Kable Powerkord, JPS Labs GPA-2, ISOTEK Premium AC, DH Labs Power Plus AC, van den Hul The First, Transparent Audio PDL2, Canare LV-61S, Siltech Berlin MXT
Audio-Related Tweaks
Vibrapods and Vibracones, custom wood-lead hybrid cones, custom wood base isolators, ferrite clamps for the AC distributor / cords, slow-blow fuses
Music Preferences
Jazz, Instrumental, World, Soundtrack scores, Orchestra and the occasional Pop, Dance, what-have-you...
PS3 + Logitech G27 combo for my gaming needs :)

