dill3000 reacted to linshu1992's post in the thread CanJam SoCal 2024 Impressions Thread (September 28-29, 2024) with Like.CanJam SoCal 2024 Impression (Part 2) I’m not familiar with IEMs at all, so take my stuff with a grain of salt. I don't know their...
dill3000 reacted to linshu1992's post in the thread CanJam SoCal 2024 Impressions Thread (September 28-29, 2024) with Like.CanJam SoCal 2024 Impression (Part 1) This was my 4th canjam. My goal is always to hear the best, the greatest, the pinnacles. I want...
dill3000 reacted to Fegefeuer's post in the thread HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone with Like.Did you get an amp built by him yet?
dill3000 replied to the thread HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone.Haven't heard of LFF. With the fuzzor style mods, I've do many tests in the past. The best is the sheep's wool felt. It's in my opinion...
dill3000 replied to the thread HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone.Whenever I get HE6's in, I always check for the polarity with listening tests. You can't just go by the wiring as there are lots of...
dill3000 reacted to Fegefeuer's post in the thread HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone with Like.Next up, getting one of his amps.
dill3000 replied to the thread HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone.Depends on the build, components etc
dill3000 replied to the thread HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone.First Watt Style amp tweaked to be a perfect match for the HE6 and the Susvara - Fully Dual Mono Separate PSU Aural Caelo - My own...
dill3000 replied to the thread HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone.The wire with the headsrink on it connects to the silver wire on the connector.The other wire is the ground, so it connects to the...
dill3000 replied to the thread Introducing HIFIMAN Ananda Nano.Hi Guys, Just added my Ananda Nano review https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/hifiman-ananda-nano.26739/reviews#review-32744
dill3000 replied to the thread HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread.Hi Guys, Just added my Arya Organic review https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/hifiman-arya-organic.26551/reviews#review-32743
dill3000 reviewed the item HIFIMAN ANANDA NANO.