azvargulis posted a comment on classifieds listing Apos x Audio-Technica ATH-R70x Refine.Hi, This sold a while ago. Hope you can find a pair!
azvargulis replied to the thread iFi Audio Asks... What is your preferred "Digital Connection"?.Galvanic isolation is almost never perfect. There are better and worse implementations, and I don't for one minute claim that Chord's is...
azvargulis replied to the thread iFi Audio Asks... What is your preferred "Digital Connection"?.I get 24/192 over optical. I know the documentation says 96, but it actually handles 192 just fine. It's not explicitly stated in the...
azvargulis replied to the thread iFi Audio Asks... What is your preferred "Digital Connection"?.This is a gross oversimplification. That's only if (1) your optical output source is jitter-prone (a great DDC will have exceptional...
azvargulis replied to the thread iFi Audio Asks... What is your preferred "Digital Connection"?.I use a DDC (Holo Red) to convert USB to optical. I have done extensive listening tests of several digital connections (USB, Coax...
azvargulis replied to the thread Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread.No, definitely not. I don't personally have a horse in the race either way (hell, my favorite amp is a tube amp), but based on Rob's...
azvargulis replied to the thread Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread.A good power supply can make a really big difference in terms of sound quality. It's not all that uncommon for companies to ship premium...
azvargulis added classifieds listing iFi Zen Stream to category CD Players, Transports, and Other Audio Components.This is the best streamer value for money I have heard. I A-B'd it directly with the Chord 2go/2yu and the Bluesound Node, and preferred...
azvargulis reacted to SecretAgent's post in the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread] with Like.Inflation plays a role here too
azvargulis posted a comment on classifieds listing Chord Hugo 2 (Black).This has sold