
been playing harmonica out in bands for over 50 years. i ain't bad, but i ain't stevie wonder

i read a lot.
western massachusetts USA
ant farming.
Headphone Inventory
down to MrSpeakers Ether Flow, Audeze LCD-3f 2016 version and Senn IE800 and hd25-1 ii for around the house (that's as portable as i get these days). also have a beyer T51i.

have owned: etc etc etc. ok. sigh, here's a list: k1000, ps1, ps1000e, rs1, hd800 sdr mod,thx-00, sine, TH900
hd25-1 ii, amperior, momentum 2 over ear, beyer t51i, beyer t1 and t1 gen 2, lcd-3 classic, lcd-2 classic, he-6, he560, hd600 w/650 cable, hd650 w/ cardas cable, audio tech anniversary something or other, can't remember what all else. a ton of other koss for one thing.
Headphone Amp Inventory
burson soloist. ray samuels xpr-7. resonessence labs herus.
been through woos and raptors, headroom and melos 100 years ago
Source Inventory
full analog rig. kef 105.2 and time windows for speakers. david berning tube power amp. tons of cables.

grant fidelity tubedac-11 with a nuforce spdif converter and tubes worth more than the dac.
Power-Related Components
chang lightspeed
Music Preferences
everything but commercial country
used to write code. for decades. for Mordor.


Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.