amigastar replied to the thread How many DACs do you own?.Chord Mojo 2 Schiit Modi Multibit 1 Resonessence Concero
amigastar replied to the thread Sound settings in Windows.You can set it to 24-bit since it doesn't matter unless your DAC has only 16-bit of course.
amigastar reacted to Death_Block's post in the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread] with Like.It's deceiving, compared to huge desktop units to the outperforming mojo2. Makes you wonder what the hell are other brands are doing...
amigastar replied to the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread].I have to say the sound from the Mojo 2 is pretty good with my AKG K701. Never thought that from such small device the Quality of...
amigastar replied to the thread New - Austrian Audio Hi-X65.So i got the X65 just 20 min ago and honestly i'm slightly disappointed. I like the grand sound of the K701 still better. The K701 has a...
amigastar replied to the thread THE COMPOSER OPEN BACK FLAGSHIP by AUSTRIAN AUDIO.Thank you for the information. Yeah, one day the K812 will be mine. Just not now yet.
amigastar reacted to jamesjames's post in the thread THE COMPOSER OPEN BACK FLAGSHIP by AUSTRIAN AUDIO with Like.... I meant to add that, if you like the AKG presentation generally (as I do), it might be worth listening to the K812 also. But for...
amigastar reacted to jamesjames's post in the thread THE COMPOSER OPEN BACK FLAGSHIP by AUSTRIAN AUDIO with Like.I don't own the X65 but do own the Composer. I've used the X65 for some monitoring sessions. I think the X65 is excellent - very...
amigastar replied to the thread THE COMPOSER OPEN BACK FLAGSHIP by AUSTRIAN AUDIO.Man, i wish i could afford the Composer. I'm just waiting for my Austrian Audio X65 too arrive. What are the differences of the X65 to...
amigastar replied to the thread New - Austrian Audio Hi-X65.So, i've bought them used on Ebay. Just currently waiting for them to arrive. I'm very curious about the sound, i hope they will...