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    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to Leonarfd's review on item FiiO FD15 with Like Like.
      FIIO FD15 a balanced natural sound Disclaimer I got the FD15 for free in return for a review, I am free to say whatever I want. All...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to Scubadevils's review on item FiiO FD15 with Like Like.
      FiiO FD15 Configuration: Single Dynamic Driver RRP: $149 Introduction FiiO don’t need much of an introduction, a solid staple in...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to NymPHONOmaniac's review on item KZ ZS10 Pro with Like Like.
      KZ ZS10 PRO Review : SOUND: 8.5/10 ACCESSORIES: 7/10 CONSTRUCTION: 8.5/10 DESIGN: 8.5/10 VALUE: 9/10 I’m quite know fromaudio...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to ahmadfaizadnan's review on item KZ Zs6 with Like Like.
      In audiophile world, the price over performance ratio has always been one of a buying factor. The recent price hike in audio world...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to DocHoliday's review on item KZ Zs6 with Like Like.
      A brief journey into the world of Chi-Fi. For those of you that are unaware, there is a quiet storm taking place in the IEM (and Audio...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to hitchhiker's review on item Audiocular TP20 Pro and TP30 Pro with Like Like.
      Thanks to Concept Kart for organising this review tour of 2 dacamp dongles. Audiocular is Concept Kart's own brand and is their first...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to Kindlefirehditaly's review on item EPZ TP20 with Like Like.
      Disclaimer: This unit was bought with my own money, I will try to be as objective as possible and being a common audio enthusiast I...
    • 8bitfanatic
      Rating: 8.1 Sound 8.4 Sound: 8.4 Bass Mids Trebles Stage Imaging 8 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Handling: 7.5 Processing Comfort Earpads...
    • 8bitfanatic
      A big step forward has been taken! We're thrilled to announce four new releases today. Following planar VENUS, here comes planar...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to SynaestheticA's review on item Denon PerL Pro with Like Like.
      Lets get something out of the way I'm not a feature and benefits guy. I don't care for ANC. A TWS app doesn't do anything for me, I...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic posted a reply to a review on the item 7Hz Sonus.
      I really like the yellow star art, somewhat hidden inside the nozzle.
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to inscythe's review on item 7Hz Sonus with Like Like.
      Disclaimer: Linsoul provided me with a review unit. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Unaffiliated product link. Introduction &...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to lomenhk's reply to a review on item Final Audio A5000 with Like Like.
      I just got the A5000 and I am blown away by its SQ. It sounds so great when pairing with my Walkman ZX707. I reckon its performance is...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic reacted to 552609's review on item Final Audio A5000 with Like Like.
      Overview: Up for review today are the new Final A5000 which have been provided to me by Audio46 as part of a review tour. That means...
    • 8bitfanatic
      8bitfanatic posted a reply to a review on the item Final Audio A5000.
      Thx for your review. They look exactly like my Final ZE3000.
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