Listing ID:
50.00 USD
- Condition
- Good
- Negotiability
- Firm
- Ships to
- United States of America
4x Plug Play NOVIB Socket Saver - 1960s NOS British McMurdo Phenolic socket
- Price: $50 USD - PayPal G&S - shipped and insured (UPS or USPS)
- Local sale available - 27517
Had been using these in my Valhalla 2 for about eight months to raise the tubes a bit higher in the chassis as they run quite hot. No longer use the Valhalla 2, so these are up for sale.
Pulse Tube Store description: Top part is Brand New 1960s British Made McMurdo Phenolic socket. Anti-vibration Base* has silicone to reduce microphonics. Tube pins are exact size of a typical NOS Philips tube for snug fit, unlike cheap Chinese bases with thinner pins that wobble in the sockets. Engineered in-house and precision manufactured for us with high quality materials.
- 2 darker sockets were used with the 6N6P dual triode output tubes that were always in the amp and work as expected
- 2 lighter sockets were used with the 6N1P dual triode input tubes that saw rotation to different tubes that required different adapters and work as expected
Questions are welcome by PM
Thanks for looking!
- Local sale available - 27517
Had been using these in my Valhalla 2 for about eight months to raise the tubes a bit higher in the chassis as they run quite hot. No longer use the Valhalla 2, so these are up for sale.
Pulse Tube Store description: Top part is Brand New 1960s British Made McMurdo Phenolic socket. Anti-vibration Base* has silicone to reduce microphonics. Tube pins are exact size of a typical NOS Philips tube for snug fit, unlike cheap Chinese bases with thinner pins that wobble in the sockets. Engineered in-house and precision manufactured for us with high quality materials.
- 2 darker sockets were used with the 6N6P dual triode output tubes that were always in the amp and work as expected
- 2 lighter sockets were used with the 6N1P dual triode input tubes that saw rotation to different tubes that required different adapters and work as expected
Questions are welcome by PM
Thanks for looking!
Listed by:
mjstealey (79)
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