Listing ID: 9253 Views: 7378
1,800.00 USD
Excellent/Like new
Ships to
  1. Papua New Guinea
  2. United States of America
  3. Holy See
If you're looking for a superbly musical amp, one that you'll have trouble turning off because it sounds so good, this isn't it. This is more like a frigid girlfriend. If you're a fan of "wire with gain" or whatever the heck that's supposed to mean, God bless you, let me give you my PayPal address. I'll even eat the fees.

Color is fingerprint-magnet glossy black, condition is like new. DACT version. No issues.

Been meaning to get rid of this dreck for years; merely seeing it in my audio rack is giving me agita.
Listed by: mwilson (21)
Listed: 2021-08-11
Last edited: 2021-08-16
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Ants in my Stax
I owned a couple or few Cavalli amps, Woo amps, tried some others also, they all offered something. This one is as sterile as distilled water, and I am not a fan of distilled water.

Lots of kool-aid here on head-fi. This amp is boring AF and I regret ever buying into its hype.
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Headphoneus Supremus
Who says there is no honestly in advertising?


I owned a couple or few Cavalli amps, Woo amps, tried some others also, they all offered something. This one is as sterile as distilled water, and I am not a fan of distilled water.

lots of kool-aid here on head-fi. This amp is boring AF and I regret every buying into its hype.
There’s a violectric v281 and 280 on here :) I love my little v200 as it’s warm and clear and super clean with such a great black background! Violectric has been an eye opener for me but top of the list was the burson soloist 3x!

Music Alchemist

Pokémon trainer of headphones
I owned a couple or few Cavalli amps, Woo amps, tried some others also, they all offered something. This one is as sterile as distilled water, and I am not a fan of distilled water.

lots of kool-aid here on head-fi. This amp is boring AF and I regret every buying into its hype.
Fair enough...but the rest of the system is important as well.

With my Fostex TH900mk2 and thousands of dollars worth of other gear, the sound I'm getting with the GS-X mk2 is as far away from boring as I've heard. (And I owned plenty of other nice headphones before, including the SR1a, Mysphere 3.2, Utopia, LCD-4z and HE1000se.)
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Ants in my Stax
Dcs Rossini as source, LCD-4 for phones. I think that qualifies as decent stuff no?


Dcs Rossini as source, LCD-4 for phones. I think that qualifies as decent stuff no?
I would say so! The fostex th900 are v shaped and soooo fun :) probably why I love them of the Violectric so much as it tames the treble peaks? Not sure but the pairing is magical and I am only using the modi 3+ dac at the moment where the frost 2 I had before was even more lovely. If you haven’t tried the Violectric I really do love their presentation, would love to get the 281 or even the 280 listed but alas I am broke at the moment.

Music Alchemist

Pokémon trainer of headphones
Dcs Rossini as source, LCD-4 for phones. I think that qualifies as decent stuff no?
I was referring to synergy, and did not mean to imply that your system was insufficient.

What's exciting or boring can vary wildly with each person. I understand the perception of it being sterile, but lots of precision equipment can be described as such.

Personally, I'm much more a fan of the TH900 than the LCD-4z. (Haven't heard the LCD-4, but the LCD-4z seems to be mostly the same.) Different headphones typically contribute more to the overall sound than switching amps. Perhaps the LCD-4 isn't a great match for the GS-X mk2.