Closed: 32B SL, 320B SL, AD100 or specific 300B tubes

Listing ID: 5239 Views: 346
1.00 USD
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  1. Anywhere
WTB: Variants of 300B tubes and specific 300B and other vacuum tubes.

AD100: Singles or Pairs (preferred) by AVVT (Vaic)
32B SL: Singles by AVVT
320B SL: Singles by AVVT

As to actual 300B tubes, please let me know if you have any of these:
-- Svetlana Electronic Devices (SED), JJ Electronic: Singles only
-- Elrog ER 300B (non-metal, black bottoms): Pairs preferred

NOTE: Also looking for certain tubes -- singles or pairs...
*** ECC230 Philips

I look forward to hearing about what you've got -- new/unused, NOS, low hours, or gently used. Please send PM with details. TIA!
Listed by: ctm (22)
Listed: 2021-05-26
Last edited: 2021-05-26
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