How to use mp3tag to edit and properly tag your music files (Particularly FLAC and mp3 files).
Using mp3 tag to properly clean and edit your tags for both DX100 and Hisound Products (keep in mind this can apply to many other DAPs in general):
The directions below are in large part dealing with the Hisound products but you can use them as well to get your DX100 to properly show tags and music in general. I do not recommend having more than 1 type of tag embedded into the file. I do use ID3V2 though on mp3 files on the DX100 where I want the album art to show up. So you can change things accordingly regarding that. However if you are using FLAC files I recommend removing all tags besides the (FLAC) tag. You can embed your album art as well to have the art show up on the DX100. If you want all this album art to show up without having to download album art grabber for 1.1.7 you can revert to 1.2.3. Do a factory reset. Select play all albums. Put the device on shuffle and let it sit for a while. Once you see all the album art has showed up via the album art view (small album art view) you know it has all been cashed in memory. You can then revert back to 1.1.7 and this time don't do a factory reset. All your album art will show up an you have the great sound of 1.1.7.
Use mp3 tag to tag your files
Step 1: Download Mp3tag
Step 2: Go into Tool/Options. Under Tags you have Mpeg and Ape, Mpc... You want to make sure Read is check marked for both Mpeg and Ape. For "Write" make sure only ID3v1 is checked (for both Mpeg and Ape). Under "Remove" check ID3v2 and APE. If you have APE files it is recommended not to use them as those files work slow on the Studio V. Convert them over to FLAC instead. Then select Ok to apply changes in options.
Step 3: Drag and drop your files you wish to apply this to. I recommend doing this from your Hard drive if you wanna save time as the changes can be applied much faster this way. Then again reloading your Studio V and SD card could take the same amount of time. It's really only a 1 time process thing so it's not a big deal. Anyways once you've dragged and dropped the files you wish to apply these changes to, highlight all the files or click on the "Filename" area and then press Ctrl + A. Now Select Remove tags or that big X just below "Edit" (top left corner area of Mp3tag). Once all tags have been removed simply click "undo Changes" located next to "Remove tags". This will restore all your tags on the fly except for v3.2 tags. To be on the safe side you can also select "Save" to ensure these changes stay. This is located to the left of "Remove tags".
Step 4: I also recommend cleaning up your tags. If you have junk such as "Comment", "Composer", "Disc number", and "embedded album art" this will all contribute to slowing down your device. I'll tell you how to remove all this on the fly. Again press Ctrl + A to hilight all your files. Then under Comment/Composer/Disc number select <blank> for them all. Once you've completed this now right click on the album art area (located below disc number). Select "Remove Cover". Now all you have to do now is Select "Save" and it will apply all these changes for you (just make sure all your files are constantly hilighted when doing all the above directions in order to apply them).
Problem should be solved and your player should be rather responsive on start up. Mine takes roughly 16 seconds (correction) to load from the SD card and on-board. I did a countdown myself and it's 16 seconds for my unit (20 seconds if you start the countdown from when you first power the unit on).
You can also configure mp3 tags buttons to do auto changes on the fly for you.
Under the "Tools" tab you'll notice 4 buttons with an arrow pointing to the right.
For the first one click it and copy and paste this: %track% %title%
Second one: % track% %title%
Now look further to the right and you'll notice one of these buttons marked as 1 2 on a page (red numbers). Click that and input this:
Begin at tracknumber: 1
Check-mark: Leading zeros for tracknumbers (01,02). This will allow your tracks to be automatically numbered from 01, 02, 03, 04 etc. Just make sure they are in the correct order starting from 1,2,3,4 and it will automatically rename them correctly to 01, 02, 03, 04. I've noticed issues if you don't have it done this way. Basically when changing your tracks be sure to do this part first. Then you can refer to those other buttons I had mentioned earlier. As long as your Titles of your tags are correct it will combine that along with the 01, 02, 03 and rename your Filename according to that format. Basically saving you a lot of time and making this process quite easy.
Using mp3 tag to properly clean and edit your tags for both DX100 and Hisound Products (keep in mind this can apply to many other DAPs in general):
The directions below are in large part dealing with the Hisound products but you can use them as well to get your DX100 to properly show tags and music in general. I do not recommend having more than 1 type of tag embedded into the file. I do use ID3V2 though on mp3 files on the DX100 where I want the album art to show up. So you can change things accordingly regarding that. However if you are using FLAC files I recommend removing all tags besides the (FLAC) tag. You can embed your album art as well to have the art show up on the DX100. If you want all this album art to show up without having to download album art grabber for 1.1.7 you can revert to 1.2.3. Do a factory reset. Select play all albums. Put the device on shuffle and let it sit for a while. Once you see all the album art has showed up via the album art view (small album art view) you know it has all been cashed in memory. You can then revert back to 1.1.7 and this time don't do a factory reset. All your album art will show up an you have the great sound of 1.1.7.
Use mp3 tag to tag your files
Step 1: Download Mp3tag
Step 2: Go into Tool/Options. Under Tags you have Mpeg and Ape, Mpc... You want to make sure Read is check marked for both Mpeg and Ape. For "Write" make sure only ID3v1 is checked (for both Mpeg and Ape). Under "Remove" check ID3v2 and APE. If you have APE files it is recommended not to use them as those files work slow on the Studio V. Convert them over to FLAC instead. Then select Ok to apply changes in options.
Step 3: Drag and drop your files you wish to apply this to. I recommend doing this from your Hard drive if you wanna save time as the changes can be applied much faster this way. Then again reloading your Studio V and SD card could take the same amount of time. It's really only a 1 time process thing so it's not a big deal. Anyways once you've dragged and dropped the files you wish to apply these changes to, highlight all the files or click on the "Filename" area and then press Ctrl + A. Now Select Remove tags or that big X just below "Edit" (top left corner area of Mp3tag). Once all tags have been removed simply click "undo Changes" located next to "Remove tags". This will restore all your tags on the fly except for v3.2 tags. To be on the safe side you can also select "Save" to ensure these changes stay. This is located to the left of "Remove tags".
Step 4: I also recommend cleaning up your tags. If you have junk such as "Comment", "Composer", "Disc number", and "embedded album art" this will all contribute to slowing down your device. I'll tell you how to remove all this on the fly. Again press Ctrl + A to hilight all your files. Then under Comment/Composer/Disc number select <blank> for them all. Once you've completed this now right click on the album art area (located below disc number). Select "Remove Cover". Now all you have to do now is Select "Save" and it will apply all these changes for you (just make sure all your files are constantly hilighted when doing all the above directions in order to apply them).
Problem should be solved and your player should be rather responsive on start up. Mine takes roughly 16 seconds (correction) to load from the SD card and on-board. I did a countdown myself and it's 16 seconds for my unit (20 seconds if you start the countdown from when you first power the unit on).
You can also configure mp3 tags buttons to do auto changes on the fly for you.
Under the "Tools" tab you'll notice 4 buttons with an arrow pointing to the right.
For the first one click it and copy and paste this: %track% %title%
Second one: % track% %title%
Now look further to the right and you'll notice one of these buttons marked as 1 2 on a page (red numbers). Click that and input this:
Begin at tracknumber: 1
Check-mark: Leading zeros for tracknumbers (01,02). This will allow your tracks to be automatically numbered from 01, 02, 03, 04 etc. Just make sure they are in the correct order starting from 1,2,3,4 and it will automatically rename them correctly to 01, 02, 03, 04. I've noticed issues if you don't have it done this way. Basically when changing your tracks be sure to do this part first. Then you can refer to those other buttons I had mentioned earlier. As long as your Titles of your tags are correct it will combine that along with the 01, 02, 03 and rename your Filename according to that format. Basically saving you a lot of time and making this process quite easy.