Jul 19, 2009 at 6:26 AM Post #691 of 704

Originally Posted by beandips /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Your S/N is now officially 0 dB. Congratulations on being the statistically worst poster this forum has ever seen.
Jul 19, 2009 at 11:05 AM Post #693 of 704

Originally Posted by Todd /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi All,
I forgot to mention that all of the HF-2's that shipped from here were sealed. ON occasion customs will open a box to insure what is there is what is on the import documentation. I assume that is why the box was not sealed.

Todd, with UK Customs, if they do open your parcel up for inspection, they will tape it back up afterwards with official custom tapes and will enclose a covering note saying that


Originally Posted by Sherwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Your S/N is now officially 0 dB. Congratulations on being the statistically worst poster this forum has ever seen.

Man, that's cold!!!
Jul 19, 2009 at 12:06 PM Post #694 of 704

Originally Posted by beandips /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Well that's a real slick first post there~
Jul 19, 2009 at 12:17 PM Post #695 of 704

Originally Posted by Toad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
... at the very least you could give some people donor status or something.

That's a great point. Everyone who buys these headphones should automatically get donor status (or whatever it might be called) since everyone knows that a portion of the price is going to the website, and for most people that has factored into the decision and incentive for buying them.

I also agree with you that the buyer should get the $10. We're the ones taking the hit on that issue, so we're the ones who should be compensated for it. But like you said, I guess that has already been beaten into the ground. I just wanted to say I agree.
Jul 19, 2009 at 12:46 PM Post #697 of 704

Originally Posted by Budley007 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Some folks feel that they're "taking a hit" and deserve compensation. I'd be willing to bet that there are more than 500 people that don't.

I think you'd lose that bet. Many people have posted to say that they were not happy with the engraving error. No matter how you slice it, "HEAD F1" is not the same as "HEAD-FI." So you are accepting "improperly" or erroneously manufactured goods. Whether it's an issue for you or not is another question, but a lot of people feel they are taking a hit on that point in that it wasn't what was promised or expected, especially since the first batch didn't have the error.
Jul 19, 2009 at 1:13 PM Post #698 of 704
My point was that the 500 initial run of this product is sold out. If you don't like something, don't buy it. It's hypocritical to buy a product to justify an entitlement to complain endlessly about it's quality.
Jul 19, 2009 at 1:41 PM Post #699 of 704

Originally Posted by Budley007 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My point was that the 500 initial run of this product is sold out. If you don't like something, don't buy it. It's hypocritical to buy a product to justify an entitlement to complain endlessly about it's quality.

Huh? You are getting WAY out of line to start attributing motives like that to people. I doubt anyone is paying $430 just to have the "entitlement" to complain about a pair of headphones.
And definitely no one is paying $430 to be disrespected for doing so by the likes of you.

Even without the blatant disrespect, your statement is patently false. People comment on the quality of things they buy all the time. "It's a great tv, I just wish it had feature X." "I really like the car, but i would have preferred it came in another color." That doesn't make them hypocrites. And those aren't even DEFECTS. Those are just features the product doesn't have.

So the bottom line is that your comments are as wrong as they are out of line. Thanks for playing.
Jul 19, 2009 at 2:31 PM Post #700 of 704

Originally Posted by Toad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
at the very least you could give some people donor status or something. An extra donation to you from Grado, while it is nice that they are somewhat admitting fault, it just does nothing for me as the receiver of this faulty product.

Interesting idea IMHO. I'd love some sort of credit to a Contributor status, but admittedly it has nothing to do with the actual fault at hand. (But hey, if it'll get some people to give it a rest..)

And I don't believe anyone is in a position to tell Jude how he should be handling this. I pretty much signed to giving the $40 + $10 to him as soon as I placed my order, and so did everyone in front of the line when they confirmed theirs. To those that canceled their order, it was a tacit refusal of the proposal. It's not really a matter of who "deserves" this or that.
Jul 19, 2009 at 3:04 PM Post #701 of 704

Originally Posted by ecclesand /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You must mean 5915...

Yeah, sorry, pressed the wrong key on the numpad.
Jul 19, 2009 at 3:33 PM Post #702 of 704

Originally Posted by elrod-tom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't understand it either. Though that's par for the course lately, as I don't understand a lot of the angst about all this.

I think it's time that we all stop whining.
  1. If you didn't want to order because of the Head-F1, then your time has come and gone.
  2. If you're still wavering about whether or not you want yours, it seems to me that there's a line of folks waiting to take your order. Decide - do you want it or not?
  3. If you insist on complaining when you have no skin in this game at all, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that it would be nice if you'd shut up and move along. We're tired of your contributions to this thread.
One of the unfortunate and tiresome things about the internet is that it frees some folks to behave in ways that they would not were they dealing face to face with a person. I can't believe that the sort of questioning of the integrity of John Grado and Todd would be occuring were it not for this emboldening by anonymity.

Treat people the way you'd like to be treated, and assume honesty and integrity until such time as you discover clear evidence to the contrary. If you can't say (at least) something nice, don't say nothing at all.

On a lighter note, I just got mine yesterday. I like them a lot right out of the box, and will report back once they are burned in. Anyone who is lucky enough to have purchased a pair of these limited edition headphones will IMHO be very pleased with the value that they represent...regardless of the F1.

To this I would add the following:
  1. If you've now purchased your HF-2 and are still complaining about the F1, we're sick of hearing from you too. Chances are that you bought them with full knowledge of the F1, and if you were one of the first batch shipped, you've had your chance to return them. In either case, you now own them fair and square - please shut up.
  2. If you've now purchased your HF-2 and are still complaining about the additional $10 that is being donated to Head-Fi, rather than to you personally in some way, well that's settled too...please move on.

I would further add that I've had some additional time to listen to these cans, and I'm VERY pleased with the results. I'm thinking that anyone who has yet to receive theirs will feel the same way.
Jul 19, 2009 at 3:54 PM Post #703 of 704

Originally Posted by elrod-tom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To this I would add the following:
  • If you've now purchased your HF-2 and are still complaining about the F1, we're sick of hearing from you too. Chances are that you bought them with full knowledge of the F1, and if you were one of the first batch shipped, you've had your chance to return them. In either case, you now own them fair and square - please shut up.

  • I dislike the way you put things, because I feel it is not that way.

    I was from the first batch (right now I have the headphones in my head). I expected to get a HEAD-FI headphone, but when people started getting theirs and the HEAD-F1 started to pop out it was already too late to change the fact I was going to get a F1 headphone (or be lucky and get a perfect set if not all from the first batch had that flaw, which was not the case). However the second batch and further batches knew about that problem beforehand, and I believe if they had let people decide a lot of them would have wished for Grado to fix it even if it meant waiting more time. (At least it would be fair, due to the 25 CanJam HPs).

    What I am basically saying is that the only problem grado would have had would have been with the first 50 headphones, that had already been sent. The rest of the headphones could have been changed. They decided not to do so for whatever reason.

    If they had decided to leave only the first batch with the F1 flaw, they could have brought up a solution. You also have to bear in mind that not only people from USA were able to buy this, but from all the world. And shipping back a product because it has a flaw, not because you dislike the sound, is something really expensive (to put on top of the headphones price + customs) But as that was not the case we end up with 475 F1 headphones and 25 FI "blurry" headphones.

    Everyone has the 30 day return warranty that should have been used in case someone did not like the sound, not the flaw.

    That is how I see it, but it won't change anything, only that there will be 25 "authentic" HF-2 and the rest will be for F1 racing
    I also think giving $10 more to the community per each HP sold does not help the people who have to keep the F1 headphones knowing there are other people who have a pair without flaws.
Jul 19, 2009 at 6:12 PM Post #704 of 704
OK folks, let's just lower the temperature in here please. I've just had to delete some posts, I'd just as soon not have to do so again.

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